Have We Forgotten To Take A Real Holiday?

When was the last time you *actually* switched off during summer holidays?

The race to be better

What I mean is - not learning new emotional release techniques through the latest book, not working on self-improvement at wellness retreats in Greece, not trying to be a better person by joining a jam-packed week end workshop, and not cleansing away your additional kgs, addictions and latest moral sins by sweating at intensive fitness retreats in Bali.

On a smaller scale, this also looks like watching the constant stream of tutorials on social media, taking online courses one after the other, and joining the latest detox scheme.

Don’t get me wrong- retreats, active holidays, reset and cleansing camps are amazing getaways and can provide you with new ways to reset, get better, be better, do better. In fact, I LOVE attending them as much as I love organising them. My life as it stands, revolves around self-improvement and I am OBSESSED by it.

How about just being and accepting yourself?

But sometimes, it feels SO GOOD to just be, you know?

And as much as self-improvement is beneficial for yourself and the rest of the world, yoga also teaches us self-acceptance. Taking the time to just be, in stillness or in motion and being okay with that. The good and the not-so-good.

Time to do nothing

Sometimes, the most restorative thing you can do for your mind, body and soul is often.... to do nothing. Often, it’s in these moments of stillness that you can actually do a lot more inner work.

When is your next nothing-cation?

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