Our vision for Ladina
The story behind the name LADINA:

It's been two weeks since we launched and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.
We are now more than ever convinced about the level of impact and the wide range of opportunities LADINA can have on the yoga community, on Madagascar, on artisans working on handmade products, and generally on how people view sustainable fashion and sustainable yoga.
Not just a yoga brand:
Beyond being just a yoga brand, we also want to build relationships with our community. This is why we aim to inspire our community with tips for a better yoga practice and a sustainable life, articles, and inspirations. We also recognise that being in the sustainable fashion industry, we need (and want) to be as transparent as possible.
Current and future products:
For now we are focusing on our African style yoga bags, Tote Bags and Raphia Meditation Cushions. We are also working in the background on other yoga essentials, which we hope will be introduced this year.
We are working hard on finding the right material(s) that are sustainable and lead to less damage for the planet, without compromising on quality. This requires a lot of research, "thinking outside the box", trying new things and meeting various suppliers who can meet our criteria of sustainability, fair trade and ethical work.
As the pandemic has hit us all very hard, we are aware that right now, the continuation of production is key for our workers and delays will occur in delivery from Madagascar to London (and then to you!).
We are hopeful for a better and brighter future, where the work of local artisans can be promoted and recognised as LADINA and our community flourish.
Although LADINA was born in Madagascar, its root and mission are to promote sustainable yoga essentials, and therefore we would love to showcase handmade products from other countries.
If you are interested, please contact us.
And finally, we are looking for ambassadors who could work with us! Get in touch here.