The first Ladina Yoga Mindful Mats
"Create the best yoga mats but make them colourful"
The Ladina Yoga sustainable mats are launching on the 10th December and you can pre-order now!
This has been a long time coming. At first, I focused on eco-yoga props such as bolsters, cushions and blocks, made in Africa.
But I didn't want to launch mats too soon. I wanted to focus on building a community, spread the LY message, understand your needs and take the time to research artists I really wanted to work with. It's sometimes a compromise in the eco-friendly world: slower production times because the products are all made from stories, love, traditions and with the impact of our planet in mind.
Meet Warrior Black (top right), Courbe d'Energy (top left) designed by Jessi Avila in Madagascar, Warrior Red Velvet (bottom left) and Ravinala (bottom right).

The first collection is inspired by life, nature and resilience. I was tired of seeing old, plain yoga mats so I decided to create fun, colourful and vibrant mats with powerful stories to make you feel alive and stronger. We live in difficult times and sometimes it is nice to step on the mat and realise life if full of colours, of hope and you can slowly step away from your fears. Think of it like a work of art to be displayed in your space.
4 mats. Plenty of fun. Eco-friendly materials. Super-grippy. 10 months in the making. A collaboration with a Malagasy artist.
Pre-order now with an exclusive 20% discount (discount expires on launch day, 10th December).