Raising funds for women employment in Madagascar through yoga
Women play a huge part in Ladina's mission, and particularly women in Africa.
Growing up in Madagascar, one of the poorest countries in the world, I unfortunately saw Malagasy women being disproportionately affected by extreme poverty, discrimination and exploitation, often facing economic and political exclusion. Women are often victims of socio-cultural stereotypes and don't have access to the same opportunities as men.
I believe women have the power and strength to transform communities, if only they were given the right opportunities.

To celebrate International Women's Rights Day on the 8th March, Ladina collaborated with Malagasy Women Empowerment (MWE) to raise funds for the Savvy Vavy project through an online yoga class taught by Ladina.
The vision behind MWE and the project is to encourage the formal employment of women in Madagascar. We would like to support women-led businesses which, we believe, will have a snowball effect and help many more.
About the Savvy Vavy project: 3 Malagasy women entrepreneurs specialising in crafts from the region of Antananarivo (Madagascar) will be selected to present a sample of their product at a fair in Luxembourg.
If you'd like to support the project you can still donate via this link.